Weight Challenge

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15 Responses to Weight Challenge

  1. tousa says:

    4.5 is the arnser from addison

  2. Lori says:

    Mr Ferry I think your guitar ways about 2436 grams. Thanks for the challenge!

  3. cheur says:

    Dear Mr Ferry,

    I think your acoustic guitar weighs about 4kg.


  4. Darling Charming says:

    I think Mr Ferry`s acoustics guitar is 200 g.

  5. messi says:


  6. Nina Bina says:


  7. Izzy 007 says:

    Yo dude cool challenge…….Mr Ferry I think your guitar is about 500kg ❤️❤️❤️❤️

  8. Junior says:


  9. Leoni says:

    1.5 kg

  10. Sinead says:

    1.95 Kg

  11. Sinead says:

    Isaac and Sinead

  12. mcinj says:

    Dear Mr Ferry
    I think that your guitar ways about 500g

  13. solac says:

    We think that it weighs about 500g. Thanks for the challenge!
    Arabella & Chiara
    Year 5

  14. mcinj says:

    Sorry Mr Ferry I meant weighs

    Christian and Jasmine M

  15. feelo says:


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