Homework 06.05.16

06.05.16                                   Homework Summary


Complete your spelling list as usual. Remember to write each word THREE times with sentences. There will be a weekly spelling test so please learn your spellings carefully!

Topic and Maths

We have been looking at and ordering timelines in our topic work this week. Create a timeline of major events in your life. Include special occasions such as the birth of a relative, a sporting achievement or an event that has happened in the news in your lifetime for example, the 2012 Olympic Games in London.

You may choose to complete your timeline on J2e.

Be as creative as you can!


Complete your homework tasks and then the website will allow you to go on Mathletics LIVE, so you can battle with your friends and other children across the world!

Have a good weekend,

Miss Loughney and Mr Ferry

word 1st try 2nd try 3rd try
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1 Response to Homework 06.05.16

  1. malol says:

    Homework so good cool.

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