be safe

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5 Responses to be safe

  1. konia says:

    Cool poster Veronica! I love the way you used diffrent colours.
    Next time maybe focus more on the info and then on the decoration.

  2. Uma says:

    Wow Jack you have obviously been working hard in your poster! I love your use of colour to make it bold and you have related to the be the best you can be work we have been doing. To improve I think you could add more on what you can do on the Internet (e.g You can share hobbies.)

  3. mazzb says:

    Nice picture jacky boy

  4. sjones says:

    Wow! I really like the way you have included positive vocabulary and bright, eye-catching colours. It would have been great to include more information…

  5. paull says:

    Amazing work! I can see you put a lot of attention while making this! Next time try and add more animations to make it look more Eye catching.

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