E-safety alex 5R

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7 Responses to E-safety alex 5R

  1. kopem says:

    I think that yours is really nice an the layout is lovely… The only thing that could be improved is that your writing keeps on coming and going so no one cam read it so maybe more time for person to read the writing 🙂

  2. rastp says:

    I like yours Alex and nice magic face(:

  3. szuba says:


  4. szuba says:


  5. gandc says:

    This is very good Alex and I love the disappearing


  6. tayls says:

    I like the way you the e safety sign grows and shrinks but you could improve on more sentences 🙂

  7. naybs says:

    lovely work… accept your writing keeps on going off and on so no one can read it so next time change the animation!!

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